Kern Pharma’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) strategy accounts for the company’s mission to contribute to the universalisation of health care especially among vulnerable groups, such as children, the elderly and people with different abilities.
Kern Pharma works hard to achieve a sustainable balance between financial results, the welfare of society and the protection of the environment, with a clear purpose in mind: to satisfy all our stakeholder groups. Within this context, the company carries out cross-cutting activities in five areas: social action, employees, patients, environment and supply chain that contribute to the fulfillment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Health prevention and occupational integration for people in a vulnerable situation. -
Reduction of the impact of business activity on the environment. -
Promotion of and support for groups of patients with special needs. -
Social action
Humanitarian aid and corporate volunteering. -
Supply chain
Reponsible acquisitions and collaboration with Spains' Special Employment Centres (SECs).
You can consult our Sustainability Report and Non-Financial Information Statements (NFIS) on the website of the Indukern Group, the business group to which Kern Pharma belongs